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Cubby: What is Cubby in Valorant?

Cubby is a part on the map where players can suddenly peak out of or hide so that they can sneak up on the enemy team without them noticing. Cubby is not a callout in just a single map but instead can be in multiple maps because the area serves the same function. They are usually a random block or a rectangle on a site or a corridor where players will be less likely to peak in.

Some examples of maps that have Cubby in Valorant are Haven and Bind. In Bind [1], there are two cubby areas. One is the small rectangular area south of the A-site teleporter, where players can hide and surprise defenders, and the second is a small corner on the east side of the B-site. In Haven [2], Cubby is the small corner on the hall connecting C-site and C-long.

How to counter an enemy that’s hiding in Cubby

Fighting against an opponent hidden in Cubby can be frustrating, but it’s simple to counter them. One of the first things to do is flash there. Use abilities like Phoenix’s Curveball and Skye’s Guiding Light to flash into that area and then peak there to eliminate them immediately. If you’re 100% sure someone’s there, then pre-fire area.

Besides that, you can throw grenades and Molotovs to clear out the area. With abilities like Phoenix’s Hot Hands [3], Breach’s Aftershock [4], or Brimstone’s Incendiary, you can clear Cubby, forcing opponents to move away from there. You can get an easy kill if you catch them retreating from that area. 

Besides that, you can ask your team to peak Cubby with you because the opponent can only focus on one person, not multiple.


  1. [1] "official Riot Games Bind page". Retrieved May 30, 2024
  2. [2] "Official Riot Games Haven page". Retrieved May 30, 2024
  3. [3] "Phoenix Hot Hands". Retrieved May 30, 2024
  4. [4] "Breach Aftershock". Retrieved May 30, 2024

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