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Heaven: What is Heaven in Valorant?

Heaven is an area on a map high above an essential place like a bomb site, where players can see the entire spot. The only maps with Heaven as a callout are Split, Bind, Haven, and Ascent. Almost every Heaven in the game also has a Hell that’s usually located right under it.

In Split, Heaven is the high area between mid and bombsite B, from where players can overlook the entirety of B. In Bind, Heaven is in the corner of bombsite A, opposite from Showers. In Haven, Heaven is the area that’s accessible from the stairs near the defender spawn. Finally, in Ascent, it’s the small scaffolding area next to the windows at Tree.

How to deal with an enemy that’s in Heaven in Valorant?

Fighting off opponents when someone’s in Heaven is annoying, especially when an attacker is trying to push onto a site, so what can that person do? Well, one of the first things someone should do is try to smoke that area off so that the person in Heaven has no vision of whatever place they’re overlooking, making things easier for the attacking team.

Another thing they can do is use abilities to force people in Heaven to move out of the way. Abilities like Raze’s grenades, KAY/O’s grenades, Brimstone’s Aftershocks, and Brimstone’s molotovs are great for countering enemies in Heaven.

Another thing players can do is to try and flash that area. People can use Skye’s birds to flash that person, or Yoru’s ability, to make the person holding Heaven blind, allowing for an easy push for the attacking team. If all that fails, someone in the attacking team should just try to out-aim that person and kill them before they get the attacker.

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