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Blizzard Entertainment: What is Blizzard Entertainment?

Blizzard Entertainment is a renowned American video game developer and publisher. Founded in 1991, the company has become synonymous with some of the most iconic and successful video game franchises in the industry. Based in Irvine, California, Blizzard is known for its commitment to quality, storytelling, and innovative gameplay experiences.

It has a reputation for its dedication to storytelling and game world-building. The company's games often feature rich narratives and well-developed characters that resonate with players. Additionally, Blizzard's commitment to quality has led to a loyal fanbase that eagerly anticipates each new release.

Over the years, Blizzard has faced both critical acclaim and challenges. While their games have been celebrated for their innovation and gameplay, the company has also encountered controversies related to issues like game balance, monetization, and workplace culture. With this being said, it continues to pump out games with dedicated player bases, something that might be because of frequent changes in leadership.

What is Blizzard best known for?

Over the years, Blizzard has developed and published many successful titles that have gone on to become massive franchises. The most popular of them, however, are:

Does Activision Own Blizzard?

Yes, Activision Blizzard is a merged entity that consists of two major video game companies: Activision and Blizzard Entertainment. The merger between the two companies was completed in 2008, resulting in the formation of Activision Blizzard, Inc. This corporate merger brought together two influential players in the gaming industry.

Blizzard Entertainment and Activision both continue to operate as separate entities within the larger Activision Blizzard organization, each retaining its own development teams, projects, and brand identity. However, the merger allows for collaboration and shared resources between the two companies.

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