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Boosteria: What is Boosteria?

Boosteria ( is a boosting service provider for various competitive games including League of Legends, Valorant, and Hearthstone. While the website offers services for a bunch of games, it opts to stick strictly to ELO and rank boosting instead of spreading out to coaching as other websites do.

Founded in 2017 [1], Boosteria is one of the older boosting services providers you’re likely to find still around. Despite its age, it seems to go under the radar when compared to boosting giants like Eloking and EB24.

Founding History

Boosteria was founded on Oct 22, 2017. Although it’s unknown if he was the founder, John Keymainer is currently the owner of Boosteria and has even made posts detailing the ongoings of the website.

According to what the owner of Boosteria has said in the past, the firm was started by two Diamond 1 players of the League of Legends in a bid to help people out there who really need someone to help improve their rank in the game.

Since its inception, the website has completed several hundred orders, although the total number has not been made public. There are three specific things the owner cited as being the stand-out features of Boosteria [2]:

Provided Services

Boosteria only provides boosting services. However, while the number of services the website provides is on the lower end, Boosteria covers multiple games, arguably more than most websites offer.

The total list of every game Boostria provides boosting services for is given below:

Services Controversies 

While Boosteria isn’t that well-known in the boosting scene, that doesn’t mean it hasn’t seen its fair share of controversies over the years. Two of them in particular stand out for being seen as a big deal by many, leading to the website potentially losing several customers because of it.

Trustpilot review

The first controversy the website has been in is when there was a sudden rise of players accusing the website’s boosters of cheating. Naturally, regardless of the game, cheating is frowned upon in any competitive FPS game, and therefore, the players who purchased the boosts had their accounts punished.

A prime example of this is a user named Alex who posted on Trustpilot that the booster assigned to him turned out to be queueing with a cheater. It’s unknown if the booster was purposefully queuing with a cheater or if they were just unfortunate and wanted to streamline the order and therefore played with the best player they knew.

Thanks to the cheating, Alex’s account was banned for six months. This prompted Alex to spend hundreds of dollars just to get his account back to where it was before it was banned. Not only did the Boosteria boost cost him his account and the price he paid for the initial boost, but also hundreds of dollars and an immeasurable amount of time.

The other controversy the website has been in before relates to the website having an unequal distribution of boosters when compared to the number of games it supports. As we mentioned above, Boosteria supports multiple games. However, that doesn’t mean all of the games have boosters of the same skill and that too of the same quantity.

When it comes to games like Legends of Runeterra, there’s a significant shortage of boosters when compared to a more popular game like League of Legends. Legends of Runeterra literally only has one booster that can be hired, and the booster is Master rank. While being a Master rank is very impressive, that means it’s borderline impossible to purchase boosts to, say, Challenger, as not even the booster has reached that rank.

Customer Reviews

It’s important to note that Boosteria only has 189 reviews on Trustpilot [3]. Most of the reviews are positively perfect 5-star reviews. While websites like Eloking aim for more than 95% 5-star reviews, Boosteria’s 92% is also decent and far from bad.

Most of the positive reviews talk about how good of an experience they had with Boosteria’s services and how good the boosters were. On the other hand, the negative reviews mostly talk about the boosters lying, being toxic, not communicating, or overall being extremely unprofessional resulting in several customers never trying Boosteria’s services again.


  1. [1] "Boosteria Crunchbase profile". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  2. [2] "Boosteria press release". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  3. [3] "Boosteria Trustpilot". Retrieved April 24, 2024

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