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Star Level: What is Star Level in Teamfight Tactics?

In Teamfight Tactics (TFT), star level is a key mechanic that determines the strength and effectiveness of your champions on the board. Star levels range from 1-star to 3-star, with each level providing a significant boost to a champion's stats and abilities, making them more formidable in battle.

How Does Star Level Work?

Every champion in TFT starts as a 1-star unit when you first purchase them from the shop. To increase a champion's star level, you need to collect multiple copies of that champion. Combining three 1-star copies will upgrade the champion to 2-star, giving them enhanced stats such as increased health, attack damage, and a more potent ability. 

To reach the coveted 3-star level, you need to combine three 2-star versions of the same champion, requiring a total of nine 1-star copies. A 3-star champion is often a game-changer, boasting significantly higher stats and abilities that can dominate the battlefield.

Why is Star Level Important?

Star level is crucial for maintaining a strong board and competing effectively in the game. A 2-star champion is generally stronger than two 1-star champions of the same rarity, making it essential to prioritize upgrades. 

High-rolling for a 3-star champion, especially one with a high rarity, can be the difference between winning and losing in the late game. However, achieving a 3-star 4-cost or 5-cost champion requires careful planning, a strong economy, and sometimes a bit of luck.

How Does Star Level Affect Strategy?

Upgrading champions to higher star levels plays a central role in your overall strategy. In the early game, you might focus on upgrading 1-cost or 2-cost champions to 2-star, as these are more readily available. As you progress and level up your Little Legend[1], you can start targeting higher rarity champions, potentially high-rolling for those critical 3-star upgrades that can carry you to victory.

Mastering star levels in TFT is essential for optimizing your team composition, managing your bench, and making smart decisions during the game. Whether you're hyper-rolling for early 3-stars or saving for a late-game carry, understanding and leveraging star levels is key to success in TFT.



  1. [1] "Little Legend". Retrieved August 21, 2024


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