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Dink: What is dinking in games?

Dink means when a person is hit with a headshot, but they haven’t died. It’s essentially an easier way to tell people that someone’s health is low and that they can get killed quickly in one bullet. Although this term is mostly used in competitive multiplayer first-person-shooters like Counter-Strike or Valorant, players also use it in MOBA titles like Dota 2 or League of Legends to signify an injured opponent.

Players call it a dink because, in games like Overwatch 2 or Counter-Strike 2, headshots are signified with a “dink” noise. So, instead of just yelling out that someone is low and that they’ve hit a headshot, it’s simpler to say that they hit a dink so teammates can process it quickly in the heat of battle.

How to finish off an enemy that’s already been dinked?

A lot of times, enemies get dinked, but then they still survive and run away, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. There are multiple ways in which a player can finish off an opponent whose HP is already very low. For example, a dinked enemy is already on the verge of death, so a grenade throw or something similar will often get the job done.

If the player pushing an injured opponent does not have a grenade or something similar, they can always engage the dinked enemy with their teammates. Since they’re already down to their last few health points, they can’t play aggressively, so pushing them is a safe bet to kill them. Just gather a bunch of teammates and chase that person down until someone in the team successfully eliminates them.

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