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Page 2 Dota2 news.

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Dota 2 replay feature explained
Dota 2 replay feature explained

Dota 2 is a MOBA that requires players to keep their attention on multiple things happenin …

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How to increase communication score in Dota 2
How to increase communication score in Dota 2

Dota 2 has multiple ways of progressing, but its multiplayer nature ensures players will l …

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How to get free Crownfall Tokens in Dota 2
How to get free Crownfall Tokens in Dota 2

Dota 2 might have been dormant for some time thanks to a lack of meaningful updates and ch …

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How to fix packet loss in Dota 2?
How to fix packet loss in Dota 2?

Dota 2 might not be as fast-paced as an FPS game, but that doesn't mean that every second …

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Dota 2: How to increase behavior score
Dota 2: How to increase behavior score

It's crucial for gaming developers to ensure that all of their players follow the rules an …

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Dota 2: How to choose offlane heroes?
Dota 2: How to choose offlane heroes?

Before we get into the best offlane heroes for beginners, let's go through some important …

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Why can’t I pick certain heroes in Dota 2
Why can’t I pick certain heroes in Dota 2

Dota 2 has a wide variety of heroes that players of all tastes and preferences can play. W …

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Dota 2: Unable to Ping Any Region (Fixed)
Dota 2: Unable to Ping Any Region (Fixed)

After a long day at work, you're ready to relax with some Dota 2. But as soon as you hit t …

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Dota 2: Ultimate Micro Guide
Dota 2: Ultimate Micro Guide

Micromanagement in the popular Valve MOBA game Dota 2 might seem a little overwh …

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DOTA 2: Banned for no Reason? Fixed
DOTA 2: Banned for no Reason? Fixed

Dota 2 is a MOBA by Valve, which is known for its deep curve and amazing in-dept …

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Dota 2: The Festive Magic of Frostivus 2023
Dota 2: The Festive Magic of Frostivus 2023

The year 2023 is coming to a close, and with that, games are pumping out holiday-themed ev …

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Everything New in Dota 2’s 7.35 Patch
Everything New in Dota 2’s 7.35 Patch

In Dota 2's 7.35 patch, sweeping changes have arrived, reshaping the game's dynamics from …

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How Much Does it Cost to Boost Your Dota 2 Account? A GAMER’S GUIDE
How Much Does it Cost to Boost Your Dota 2 Account? A GAMER’S GUIDE

Dota 2 might not be as popular as its rival MOBA game, League of Legends. However, it …

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Top 4 Dota 2 Boosting Sites
Top 4 Dota 2 Boosting Sites

Dota 2 boosting is something that isn't nearly as close to popularity as, say League …

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How to Play Dota 2 on Linux
How to Play Dota 2 on Linux

Dota 2, one of the most popular MOBAs out there, might be considered one of Valve's m …

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Showing 16 to 30 out of 45
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